Turk Who Leads Europe’s Informatics Policies
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Dr. R. Erdem Erkul who has been representing Turkey for the last six years in the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS), leading association in Europe’s informatics policies, and was selected as vice president two years ago is once again a candidate for this critical position for the coming term. Dr. Erkul points out the need for Turkey to fulfill EU criteria in order to be in European digital market and said that ‘’Turkey’s representation in CEPIS is highly important for it helps increasing Turkish firms’ market share in Europe and enable them to be informed about the latest developments in informatics sector.’’ President of Informatics Association of Turkey İlker Tabak highlighted that Europe aims at creating a single digital market through centering its informatics and software sector together and he said that works of Turkish informatics sector has been taken as an example by the Council.
Dr. R. ErdemErkul has been representing Informatics Association of Turkey in the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) in the last six years and has been the vice president for the council in the last two years, nowadays he is getting prepared for the election that will be held in November. CEPIS is the largest non-governmental organization (NGO) in which Europe’s informatics policies are determined and Dr. Erkul has a critical position and a right to say in designating Europe’s informatics and software policies and establishment of its market network.
‘’Works of Informatics Associaton of Turkey directing europe’s informatics sector’’
Dr. Erkul who was selected for the executive in 2014 as the candidate of Switzerland, Ireland, Greece, Romania and Turkey emphasized the importance of Turkey’s representation in CEPIS which leads Europe’s informatics policies and made the following statements:
‘’We as Turkey are paying more and more money to digital technology each passing day. In order to take place in European digital market, we need to first meet the EU criteria. On the other hand, Europe has started implementing major punishments in the informatics sector lately. Turkey’s representation in CEPIS has gained significant importance for it enables to protect our firms in European market, to increase their share in the market and to be informed about these punishmentsin the informatics sector. Turkey’s leaps in the fields of informatics and software in the last years made Europe to turn its direction to our country. Turkey carried out fourteen different events with the participation of more than ten thousand people by being highly active in the field. In Europe, both the number of events and the participation to them are significantly small comparing with Turkey. Works of Informatics Association of Turkey especially its planning, reporting, and practices in informatics are being applied by Europe. Our representation in CEPIS is also important for acquiring effective and qualified labor force.’’
‘’We have made significant gains through CEPIS membership’’
President of Informatics Association of Turkey İlkerTabak noted that after Turkey’s representation in CEPIS with vice presidency, European informatics sector has begun following Turkey closely and he continued his statement as following:
‘’We are one step closer to EU membership with our membership in CEPIS. EU is consulting with CEPIS when it’s taking decisions regarding regulations in informatics, therefore taking into consideration the opinions of the member countries through related NGOs. We as Informatics Association of Turkey are mediating the process of inserting these opinions into regulations in Turkey. This is an important advantage for Turkey. We are seeing this as a significant door with our integration with Europe. At this point CEPIS membership is gaining further importance. We are determined to continue our membership. We are most sincerely wishing for Dr. ErdemErkul to continue holding a high position like vice presidency. In that way, we as Turkey will continue to stay in a highly critic executive position in Europe. We can see this post as a point of contact for EU’s projects in informatics to reach right, strong and credible receivers and being in cooperation with them.
Besides, with more than 450 thousands members from 32 European countries CEPIS, whom Informatics Association of Turkey joined in 2002, will lead EU in its aim towards creating a single digital market.
One of the most prominent gains we as Informatics Association of Turkey acquired through CEPIS is obtaining the right of representation for European Computer Driving License (ECDL) in Turkey. This means that in Turkey, Informatics Association of Turkey holds the royalty of this computer literacy license which is valid in all Europe and most of the world. This license is of significant importance regarding employment and increasing one’s qualifications.’’
The goal of CEPIS is to encourage knowledge society
CEPIS, headquartered in Brussels, has been operating since 1989. National informatics associations are institutional members of CEPIS Europe-wide and its main goal is being summarized as encouraging the development of knowledge society in Europe. Council, besides being interested in issues of law and security in digital platforms, aims at creating ‘Digital Europe’ with its various certification programs.
CEPIS is responsible for both European Computer Driving License (ECDL) and European Certification of Informatics Professionals (EUCIP) programs.